Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Questions and Answers About Fibromyalgia

Today is one of those days, more like a day that can be marked as getting nothing done. So the one thing I can do is sit here at the PC and search for more answers to this enigma which is Fibromyalgia, so I found this in my travels and thought you might be interested to find there are people actively searching for answers to our invisible problem.
I will keep functioning! I won't be forced into living a life of "I can't" or "I better not", I am a fighter and I'm fighting MAD!
That said, you might find this website helpful, I did.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Parkinson's Drug Eases Fibromyalgia Pain - MedicineNet.com Medical References for Patients

There is a really good report, which I am going to ask my doctor about. We'll see if he knows about this and his opinions.

More FREE Information

Tapping World Summit 2011 - Bruce Lipton Video